Do I Need a Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, or Both? | Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center to main content


Do I Need a Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, or Both?

Many women are dissatisfied with their breasts’ appearance. Breast lifts and augmentations are highly customizable procedures that help to address issues such as size, shape, sagginess, and more. However, which procedure is the right choice? Your anatomy, lifestyle, aesthetic goals, and preferences all play a role in determining which procedure best suits your needs. At Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center, our renowned plastic surgeons are here to guide you through all stages of your breast surgery procedures and work with you to help create your ideal breasts.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a procedure that uses implants to increase cup size, enhance shape, correct imbalances, and improve firmness. Whether your breasts are naturally small, unequal in size, visibly smaller following pregnancy, or sagging due to aging, breast augmentation can help you achieve your desired breast appearance and restore a more youthful shape to your figure. Breast augmentation may:

  • Enhance breast shape and volume
  • Improve breast symmetry
  • Restore a more youthful-looking appearance

Breast Lift

Following aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss, breast sagging is a common complaint. A breast lift procedure rejuvenates the breasts by removing lax skin, tightening breast tissues, and lifting the breasts’ position on the chest wall to restore youthful contour and fullness. With multiple variations of breast lifts, our surgeons can customize your procedure to suit your unique needs. Depending upon the degree of sagging you experience, our surgeons can suggest a mini lift, periareolar lift, or full lift to address breast sagging and restore your perky breasts. Breast lift may:

  • Improve breast shape
  • Improve symmetry
  • Increase body confidence
  • Restore a more youthful-looking figure

Breast Augmentation With Lift

Breast lift procedures can reshape and raise the breasts, but typically, they keep your breasts at a similar size and volume. Breast implants increase volume and enhance shape, but they do not alleviate sagging or skin laxity. A combined breast augmentation with lift can address sagging or drooping breasts and increase their size in one procedure. Often, breast augmentation with lift is part of a mommy makeover procedure following pregnancy.

Am I a Candidate for a Breast Procedure?

We encourage women experiencing unhappiness due to their breast size, shape, sagging, or nipple position to discuss breast surgeries to schedule a consultation with one of our renowned plastic surgeons to help you determine which procedure would most benefit your situation and aesthetic goals. Good candidates for breast procedures should:

  • Be in excellent overall health
  • Not smoke or be willing to quit
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Understand the surgical risks

We’re Your Breast Surgery Experts

Choosing the right provider is the first step to ensuring a healthy recovery. The board-certified plastic surgeons at Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center are ready and willing to help you through every step of your breast rejuvenation journey and achieve your aesthetic goals!   Are you ready to partner with Sarasota’s best breast augmentation and breast lift providers? Contact us today to learn more!

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