Jessica needed a consultation with only one plastic surgeon to know that Dr. David Mobley was the right one to perform her breast augmentation in Sarasota. View the photos and video below to find out about her consultation, surgery, and recovery, as well as her natural-looking results.
To meet with Dr. Mobley, request a consultation at Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center or call 941-366-8897.
Hi, I’m Jessica. I just had a breast augmentation, and I am from Sarasota. He first walked in the door and I did not know what to expect from him. Immediately, we were able to play off each other’s personalities, so he kept me very calm, and kind of forgot what I was going in there to talk about because it was so second-nature and he was on top of knowing what to do. He listened to what I wanted and really evaluated what my body type was and suggested 3 different sizes my body would handle and we went through each one of them. He and his nurse gave a professional opinion to why the size wouldn’t work, why the larger size did not work for my body and how we came to the perfect size, and made jokes so it wasn’t like a serious – you’re going in to have a serious operation, but it made it very light, joking.
I didn’t have any other consultations. He was the first doctor I made an appointment with, and he just won me over. His bedside manners were just perfect. He knew where I was coming from. He could handle my jokes and play back off my personality. I felt welcome, and I was his No. 1 client. I had a small chest before I went in. I had a larger chest back a few years ago, but I had lost weight and I felt inadequate, and I needed something to fulfill what I used to have. So it was a little nervous to go from not having anything to going to having something afterwards. So I was apprehensive at first – was I going to like the new outcome afterwards?
I was a little nervous going in. My surgery wasn’t until early afternoon so I had the whole day, just kind of to relax and get ready. I went down and I waited maybe 10 minutes at the most before the nurse pulled me back. We just went over the last little touches of what was going to happen, and she really put me at ease. So I forgot what I was nervous and what I was going in for. We changed into the gown, and the anesthesiologist and went over the medical history, and before long, Dr. Mobley* came in and started his last markings and measurements, and then I was tucked right into bed getting ready to head off to the operating room.Yes, it is painful, but you don’t realize how much you use your arms until you’re told you can’t use them, and it’s hard getting in and out of bed, but the pain does not last long. It was performed at the surgery center above his office. They wake you up and when you start coming to and gaining consciousness, they help you get dressed and they give you something to drink. As soon as you’re stable enough and they feel that you’re ready to go on home, they get you packed away in the car, they help to the car, help you put your seat belt on, and send you on home.
OK, day of the surgery, I was really nervous. I was very fortunate my mom was taking me to the surgery. We went on down to the office. You go in the back door, so no one knows you’re having anything done. It’s very private, first-class all around there. I went up to the waiting area for the operation room and within 10 minutes the nurses came out and greeted me, and we went from the waiting room into our little private area, where I got ready for the anesthesiologist to come. I switched clothing into a wonderful gown that you get to rock, and then Dr. Mobley* comes in and does his last measurements and tucks you right into bed. And then you’re ready to go, and they wheel you out, and there’s not a single person out there. You’re all by yourself. It’s literally like you’re the only one there – you’re the priority. You don’t know if any other doctors are operating or if they have any other clients and by time you get to the operating room, you’re asleep. You’re ready to go, and then afterwards, they gently wake you up after the surgery, and they help you get dressed and they give you something to drink and if you’re nauseous or if you’re in pain, they address the problem before they let you out of their sight. They help you get in the wheelchair and they wheel you out to your caregiver’s ride home, and they buckle you in and off you go.
Week 1, I was still relying on car rides from people because you’re not really moving so much because you have something new on your chest that you’re still trying to get used to. But I was out. I had the surgery on a Thursday, and that Monday morning I was at the grocery store. I went shopping. I didn’t let anything stop me. I went out to dinner.Week 2, I was begging, “Can I go back to the gym, can I do this? Can I do that?” Dr. Mobley* was like, “No, you have a timeline and if you jump ahead too fast we’re going to have problems,” but I was able to drive myself and I was still in a little bit of pain from the stretching but not anything like from the surgery, nothing to stop me. I was pretty much back on my normal routine.
Week 3, full force, going back on my routine. And then week 4, I was back to no limitations. I am post-op 14 months. I haven’t had any problems. I ran a half-marathon. So nothing has stopped me. I haven’t changed.
There’s not really any secret to get you ready, because each person is different, and what worked for me is not going to work for the next person. But don’t sit around or anything like that. Make sure you’re out and active, because that’s going to speed up your healing. The day after my surgery, I went in for my first post-op appointment to make sure the incisions were still clean, everything was good, and then I went once a week for 4 weeks, and then after my fifth appointment on the month, I went once every 3 months. So at 6 months, I was cleared.
My scars are very minimal. They’re still healing. As long as you’re applying the cream that he tells you to, twice a day, it’s no time before they’re gone just like he said. It takes about a year and a half before 100%
I would recommend Dr. Mobley* in a heartbeat. I’ve already recommended him to my mom. She’s just waiting for her day with him, and I’ve never felt so easy with a doctor that I could just talk to and know that whatever I wanted, he was there to help me achieve it without any hesitations. My best friend didn’t know I had my breasts done, and she fell over when I said, “Yeah, I had my breasts done,” and she’s like, “No, prove it to me,” and I had to show her scars because she wasn’t going to take it, and she wanted it to know, she’s like, “Who did it because I’ve never seen breasts so natural?” I couldn’t wait to show them off.