Transformation Tuesday - Breast Augmentation - Sarasota Plastic Surgery to main content


Transformation Tuesday – Breast Augmentation

This 38-year-old patient came to Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center for a revision to a prior augmentation surgery. Her breasts had “bottomed out”, which is when a breast implant slips to a lower position on the chest wall below the bottom fold (inframammary crease) of the breasts. She was also bothered by the implants moving down into her armpits when she lay on her back. In this patient’s case, her condition was most likely caused by weak breast tissue.

Dr. Mobley removed the old saline implants and performed a capsulorrhaphy , which is to repair a tear in the capsule to prevent recurring dislocation of the implant. He also performed a capsulotomy, a procedure in which part of the “capsule” of scar tissue surrounding a breast implant is removed. Because her breast tissue is weak, Dr. Mobley reinforced the implants with an internal bra made of Galaform Mesh. The patient wanted larger implants, so she chose 580cc Natrelle Inspira® Cohesive silicone breast implant.

She looks fantastic and she is elated with her results!

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* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.